Monday, August 10, 2009

I've come to the conclusion

I have come to a strange and startling conclusion. Or maybe even an epiphany...but probably not quite that good. Anyways...lately it seems as though my brain is split into two brains. OK, I seriously MENTIONED that this was not as good as an epiphany...anyways. Like I was saying, where once there was only one brain, now it SEEMS as though there are two.

Brain number one is completely logical but with no emotion, I can only assume that brain number two is everything BUT logic. So this is how that works....

I'm going about my regular day today and having this weird conversation in my head. It went sort of like this.

Brain #2: I'm thirty eight weeks pregnant! (That would be in happy tones of thought)
Brain #1: WTF? When did THAT happen (shocked/calculating tone of thought...kind of like doing period math when you're late...only WAY more frantic)
Brain #2: Remembers how excited I was about having Faith and bringing her home
Brain #1: Ya, that was before you REALLY knew what it was like to be a mother. FOREVER.
Brain #2: Total blank (literally, ZERO function at this point) and then a small voice (It can't be brain #3 can it?) saying "oh shit, that's a bad sign".

And things sort of went downhill from there.

Honestly, it's not that I'm NOT happy to be having my second child. It just seemed like such a great idea...but a large portion of my brain seems to have shut off between the day I decided baby number two would be a good idea, and today...where baby number two is going to be along any time. That part of my brain seems to have woken up with a vengeance...bleary, cranky and seriously pissed at the loss of a drunk just come out of the worlds worst bender that's lost track of months...and months. That part of my brain (it's quite pessimistic) keeps asking me questions like "you realize that now you are going to have TWO small people in the house? They'll be there, making NOISE forever..." and "you know it'll be another FIVE years before you are able to consistently say you slept well last night"? and "you have just spent approximately ONE year with the ability to go out WITHOUT worrying about your kid, and you're signing up for another FOUR years?

Suddenly I've just remembered all of this things that made life really really really sucky. Yes kids are wonderful, they make you laugh every day...etc etc. I am thrilled, can't wait to meet her. (I did tell you specifically that there were TWO brains right?) Well suffice it to say that Brain #2 is completely appaled at Brain #1. And I'm not QUITE sure, but I think brain #1 might be ashamed of itself too...but that's hard to say.

All the same...part of me eagerly anticipates the arrival of our newest daughter...and the fact that I will not be pregnant any more. The other part of me is screaming "labour? what do you mean labour?!? This can't be happening again!"

Is any of this normal?


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