Monday, December 14, 2009

These are a few of the things that I HATE

1. To get food out of the way, I'll list the most hated things: onions, peppers, spicey, tikka masala, brussel sprouts, brown rice, scotch, green tea, apples
2. coffee
3. dogs
4. drool
5. dog drool
6. socks with no matches (I HATE loosing socks!)
7. wet bathroom carpets
8. People who drive UNDER the speed limit
9. People who consistently drive anywhere between 70-110 k/h on the highway
10. people who drive over my foot in the grocery store and don't even seem to notice that their cart just went thump-thump and I went "OW! EXCUSE ME!"
11. People who allow their more-than-old-enough-to-know-better children to make rediculous noises in outside voices. Like "WEE-OOO-WEE-OOO-WEE-OOO" for minutes on end in walmart. ugh.
12. when my oldest daughter completely ignores everything I have to say and keeps saying "Hugh?"
13. hair leftover in the bathtub after baths/showers
14. The fact that my S button on my puter doesn't work well
15. being asked the same damn question over and over, just using different words. I wish I could explain to my daughter that it doesn't matter how many ways you ask me if you can have chocolate right after cereal, the answer is no. I am not opposed to the wording of your question...I am opposed to the question iteself.
16. Mariah Carey...
17. How society as a whole has become incredibly lazy, reticent, unskilled, and stagnat, where everything is disposable and everyone is replaceable.
19. People who don't pick up their dogs poop
20. When Marlee is screaming, and Faith decides that chanting LA-LALA-LA-LAAAAA in a voice louder than her crying sisters, and Mark asks me a question from another room.
21. When my mom comes over and cleans my house for me, not because I don't appreciate the help but because I'm ashamed that I need it.

And because I'm avoiding negative pointless cynicism for the time being, I'm going the end this before I fall off the bandwagon, land on my feet running and wake up in hell on christmas morning.


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